We Can Help them?

Donating RM100 per month for one year
We encouraged parents to adopt a family by donating RM100 per month for one year. By doing this you get to know your selected family, and your child can join the trip to visit them, and the distribution of groceries will be done by your children and it will be documented by our media team.

Groceries items that are worth RM100 every month
We will help you to pack the groceries items that are worth RM100 every month from Raudhah Mart. Your child will be included during the day trip to distribute the items every month for one year.

By participating
Your child will have a chance to create a journal of your family journey supporting those needy families, and also will educate them to know that there are many more people who are less fortunate than them. Brainy Bunch will also send you monthly pictorial updates on the conditions of the family that you adopt.

Selected to be adopted will be displayed at the Registrar Area
Those less fortunate family pictures that are selected to be adopted for this Zero Hunger program will be displayed at the Registrar Area. You can pick a family or share a family with another parent (RM100/2), fill in the form and inform us.
Gaza Charity School
Continued violence throughout Palestine has severely affected the most vulnerable section of the population — the children. Many schools have been damaged through war.
Brainy Bunch has built a school so that Gaza’s children get the education they deserve. We continue to stand by our Palestinian brothers and sisters and support their education.